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The truth about Artificial Intelligence getting Creative

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant progress in recent years and has started to exhibit creative capabilities in various domains. These capabilities are often referred to as artificial creativity or computational creativity.

One way in which AI can be creative is by generating original content. For example, AI systems have been used to generate poetry, music, and artwork. These systems often use machine learning algorithms to analyze patterns in large datasets of human-generated creative works and then use that knowledge to generate new, original works.

Another way in which AI can be creative is by finding novel solutions to problems. For example, AI systems have been used to solve complex optimization problems in fields such as engineering and finance. These systems often use search algorithms and machine learning techniques to explore the space of possible solutions and find the one that best meets the desired criteria.

AI can also be creative in the sense that it can generate new ideas by combining and recombining existing ideas in novel ways. For example, AI systems have been used to generate new inventions by searching through large databases of existing patents and suggesting combinations of technologies that could lead to novel products or processes.

Overall, AI is starting to exhibit creative capabilities in various domains and is expected to continue to make progress in this area in the future. However, it is important to note that AI creativity is still limited and is not yet on par with human creativity. Take a look at the video below.